Russia/Siberia 2013 “Look What the Lord Has Done” Posted September 27, 2013 by Cam Vacek



He prepared ministry in 10 different cities, 7 of those being in Siberia.

He prepared ministry for 11 different groups.

He allowed us to conduct 16 ministry sessions, plus 2 Re-Hab centers.

He brought a time of ministry and refreshment to several pastors.

He gave us grace to sleep in 12 different beds.

He blessed us with an opportunity to go to cities we’ve never knew existed, and experienced his precious people there.

He drew 35 souls to himself and one recommitment, (salvations we are aware of).

He gifted 72 people in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

He healed countless people of visible sickness and disease, and that more healings will be confirmed through time and possibly a doctor’s report.

He blessed many with new organs, (creative miracles).

He set many free from demonic oppression and witchcraft.

He set many captives free from generational curses and curses brought on by rebellion and unforgiveness .

He brought knowledge to them in many ways, especially bringing them to a awareness of their sin and how the enemy had legal rights over them, (John 8:32) “You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free”.



“Russia/Siberia 2013”

            Back to Russia and Siberia, this being our 13th trip to the former USSR. We flew into Moscow and later rendezvoused with our interpreter, Yuri. Yuri was a true blessing on the trip, he was an answer to our prayer. It is so important to get an interpreter that can relate well to the listeners, what you’re attempting to share with them. The three of us boarded a night flight to Omsk, Siberia. It was a 3 ½ hour flight going through three time changes. We arrived in “ Omsk” and proceeded by auto to our first city of “Tatarsk” which is in the Western plains of Siberia.



            We got to meet the young pastor of the church; “Sergei” who was a former drug addict. We stayed at his flat while his wife was in their home town visiting. We had a Saturday evening service and we shared on “How God wants you to lay hands on the sick”. We had trainees come up and we coached them how to speak to the body. Through the trainees people were being healed of back , neck and hip problems. Eyes were being healed. While one of the trainees was praying over a man for diabetes; the man said he felt heat when hands were laid on him in the pancreas area. The trainees were blessed the way God was using them.

That evening we had a chance to minister to the pastor’s mother-in-law on “Skype”. We spoke against the infection in her body and spoke to the circulation of the blood to flow normally throughout her body. She said she felt better and experienced heat in her body. She prayed with us to receive Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.

Her 65-year-old husband came on “Skype,” also. He has had a lot of head knowledge, so we discussed faith. Faith to go over a bridge, and believe that it would not fall down, is a man type of faith. A God kind of faith is different, it’s supernatural. The conversation got very involved, and we believe the Holy Spirit was ministering to him through different illustrations. He thanked us for explaining things. He said: “I have a tough time believing beyond my mind, but you have given me many things to think about”.

Sunday service, was a continuation of healings and teaching and convincing them that God wants to use them. A lady, Ludmilla, came forward and prayed to receive Christ as her Lord and Savior. The Lord healed her of a lower back and hip problem. She was totally free of pain. Another lady, Marina, came up with pain in her back and down her leg. Through the trainees hands, the Holy Spirit was causing great movement going on in those areas. All pain was gone! The Lord was healing many spine issues, and fever viruses through the hands of the trainees.

After the service we were invited to lunch at a young couple’s house, they were both hungry and wanted more of the Lord. The young lady who had been barren, asked Joyce to pray over her that she might have a child. They also asked us to pray for the success of their bread baking company. We believe by faith that God was answering both of those requests. We then boarded the train for 3 ½ hour ride to our next city.



            We arrived at pastor Paul’s home. He also is a former drug addict now serving the Lord with zeal. We spent the night there, and then left for the city of Mazhdurechensk (city between two rivers). We would return to pastor Paul’s to minister in his church.


         Were greeted by pastor “Adolot”, a young pastor who he, and many in their church are former drug addicts. This was a really unique experience, both of the church services were conducted in a tent. In the first night’s service, there was a strong rain. They were busy trying to keep the rain from coming inside. The tent was packed to the point that people were standing outside with umbrellas looking into the zip down Windows. The praise and worship was awesome! We shared the word and talked about Mark 16 being part of the good news; “These signs shall follow those who believe”. Later we gave an altar call; where 24 people came forward and responded to God’s word. They  Prayed to receive Jesus into their hearts and all got baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. These people are excited about Jesus. That night we believe many were healed of liver issues and hepatitis “C”. After the service we ministered to a young couple about sickness in their family , especially with one of their children. We explained to them how the rebellious sins of the parents causes harm to the children, especially while they’re still in the mother’s womb. They repented, then that gave us the right to break the curse of sickness off of their child. When this was brought to their awareness; it was like a revelation to them (John 8:32).

The next day we went on a home visit; an older man who had been bedridden for one and a half years needed prayer. Had worked in the coal mines for 42 years, he had been flat on his back unable to move, and his body was in need of a touch from the Lord. The wife had given her heart to Jesus the night before at the tent meeting. We spent time talking to him about how God wants a relationship with him and it’s not based on his religion (Russian Orthodox). After much explaining ,and also his wife sharing what she had experienced the night before, he prayed with us and asked Jesus into his heart, to be his Lord and Savior. We had to re-emphasize with him that it was not the Russian Orthodox church, nor any church that can save him. Jesus Christ is the name by which we all must be saved: (Acts 4:12) “there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved”. We then laid hands on him and spoke to his body and declared healing and restoration. Shortly after that we had him put his faith into action by sitting up in bed, for the first time in quite a while. Thank you Jesus!

The next night we had another service and had several come up and share their testimonies about their healings and salvations. It was another powerful experience in the service, later Joyce and I laid hands on many, for all types of issues. We spoke creative miracles into many for new livers, resulting from their former drug life. It was such a pleasure to be there among God’s people and their hunger for more of the Lord. Being delivered from drugs, they had such a freshness in their hearts because they experienced such a powerful redemption. They asked us to lay hands on different garments that they brought up and for us to pray a yoke breaking anointing over them, that they might take them back to their loved ones. We believe the Holy Spirit can work through such faith, to set people free that were not able to come to the service. After that we prayed an impartation of the healing power of the Holy Spirit into all those present.

Later that night, while Joyce was ministering to the women of the church, I got a chance to do my first “Banya” with several of the men. It’s a Russian steam room, where you go through repetitions of steam and a cooling-off process. Wow, what an experience! I had the best sleep of the whole trip that night.

The next day before leaving they took us up on a mountaintop (via a ski lift) to get a view of the city, and the two rivers in the background. Just as soon as we sat down on the chair lift it began to rain and everyone got wet. It was a lot of fun for everyone, almost like a cleansing rain. It was worth the trip to see the beautiful Siberian country, with the two crystal clear rivers surrounding the city.



         We ministered at pastor Paul’s church for one night. Several volunteered to be trainees, and as they laid hands on each other for back issues, female problems, leg muscles and back disorders, the Lord was healing people. Many ,after putting their faith in action were restored. Some were delivered from demonic oppression. One lady was able to run again. A lady with constant pain from a herniated disc was prayed over by a trainee; and all pain was gone. A man with spine problems since he was seven years old ,healed and all pain gone. Another lady came forward asking for prayer for her baby with Hydrocephalis. As we talked with her she expressed how, when she was pregnant with this child, was grieving the loss of a previous child, to the point that she was mad at God and in rebellion. After explaining to her that because of her rebellion, and turning away from God, she brought a curse on her womb. She repented of that, having understood what she had done and it became very clear to her. She saw her own error. We told her how quick God is to forgive (first John 1:9), just as soon as we repent. We then laid hands on the child and broke the curse and spoke restoration over this baby. Satan’s legal rights over the child were now broken, and restoration can begin. A young married lady that drove us to church came up for prayer for barreness.  After talking with her she confessed that she had anger against her father. She soon repented and forgave her father; her countenance changed, she cried and said; “ I feel free.” That gave Joyce the opportunity to lay hands on her and that her womb would now bear a child.

Another man came up for prayer for Aids and hepatitis “c”. I laid hands on him spoke a new liver, and as I spoke he and I both felt a great movement going on in that area. Thank you Jesus for the new liver! Joyce again laid hands on another woman who was barren, believing she shall bear a child.

After that we asked all those who wanted to be baptized in Holy Spirit, and 27 came forward and received their heavenly language.

Later we had the whole church gather around Pastor Paul to pray for him, and some willingly committed to pray for him and his family every day. Thank you Jesus!

The next day we made a home visit. A 47-year-old lady, who had stage IV cancer wanted prayer. We shared with her about trusting Jesus as her Lord and Savior and by putting her future into his hands. In tears, she prayed with us to receive Jesus into her heart. She kept embracing Joyce’s hand, and was so glad we were there. We then laid hands on her and cursed that cancer to its core and broke all generational curses. This gave us a good chance to talk to her husband about the Lord. He listened intently to what we had to share, although he wasn’t ready to make that commitment.



         We then traveled to “Marinsk” and stayed two nights at a home with Tanya , her husband and  four sons, of which two of the sons still lived at home. They had a very large beautiful garden to supply many of their needs. They had people come to their home for us to pray over them. A young girl who was paralyzed from a car accident, came with her boyfriend and her mother. After spending time talking with then, and them explaining about the car accident. The girl; “Marina”, who was married at the time, had been living in sin with her boy friend. She was injured and in a coma for three months, the young man was not injured. After confronting them about the judgment brought on themselves; they began to see what a violation it was in the eyes of God. We expressed to them how God does not deal in gray areas. The young man was hesitant to surrender to Jesus Christ. I asked him; “How long can you keep peeking around corners to see when the next disaster is going to hit?” With tears they all eventually repented, including the mother, and asked God to forgive them for their rebellion. They all prayed to receive Jesus into their lives and into their hearts. We felt they were very sincere about this, and then we laid hands on “ Marina” and broke those curses off her. We spoke restoration, and that her mobility would be restored. The joy of the Lord came over everyone in the room. God is a God, who is quick to forgive.

Another lady came with her mother, Tamara, who had psychiatric problems. She was experiencing high blood pressure, depression and encountered two strokes. She also had attempts of suicide. We spent much time speaking to her. We prayed with her to receive Jesus into her heart. We had her renounce all the guilt she was taking on. We openly did not see much change in her expression. The next day the church held a baptism in the river, and “Tamara” was there to get baptized. Thank you Jesus!

At the Friday night service, we had one pastor lay hands on another pastor with back problems and pain. He was set free, the pain was all gone.

The Lord was healing back issues, including condrosis, leg problems, scoliosis and thyroids. Many showed signs of healing, and all pain gone. A lady asked for prayer for various items, including a heart issue. Her 10-year-old daughter came up and wanted to lay hands on her mother. She spoke healing into her mother’s body. Very powerful!

Saturday we went on a home visit. Marina, a lady who was using crutches because of an operation on her spine, greeted us. We visited with her in her backyard. She shared with us; “that God would  get glory from her being on crutches.” We shared with her that God doesn’t get glory from sickness , but from her testimony of her healing. She began to see her wrong thinking (John 8:32)! She then prayed to receive Jesus into her heart as her Lord and Savior. We explained to her that the word “Lord” means; Lord over her entire life including her health and her family. We then laid hands on her and broke off all curses, and spoke restoration and agility back into her body. We could see a change in her after the prayer, she was wearing a big smile which was not there before.

We then visited a lady, Anna, whose 35-year-old bedridden daughter (Maria) had cerebral palsy. The daughter was very abusive to the mother, to the point of spitting on her continuously. Anna shared with us about the trauma and abuse by her husband while she was carrying Maria in the womb. Anna held bitterness in her heart against her husband. The husband also was unfaithful to her. We told her that because of the bitterness, trauma and  unforgiveness  towards her husband; she  brought a curse on her womb while she was carrying Maria. She renounced all bitterness and unforgiveness towards him. Once all curses were broken including generational curses, we had her lay hands on her daughter, and we laid hands on Anna. We spoke restoration and that all curses were now broken. The devil’s legal hold on her was over. Anna came to a knowledgeable understanding about bitterness and unforgiveness, and the consequences of it; if we do not repent. Thank you Lord that you are quick to forgive, if we repent, 1 John 1:9.

Later that day the Church in “ Marinsk” had planned a picnic by the “ Kia” River. During the course of the picnic, several people got baptized in the river. This was a powerful display of their faith. Joyce and I had an opportunity to pray over several for various healings; and 6 people got baptized in Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

Returning to our gracious  host’s house. Sasha, the head of the house asked me to pray for his stomach and for the fire of God in his life. Tanya, his wife, had Joyce lay hands on her. We could visibly see the Holy Spirit making major adjustments in both of them. Tanya began to speak in a deeper level of tongues! Thank you Lord for these precious hosts, willing to share their home with us. We leave a blessing! (Matthew 10: 11-13)



            We were picked up and driven to “Bogotol” by pastor  Yuri (a Jewish man and also a former drug addict). Upon arrival we were greeted by his wife, Galliya, and their two children. Once again, it was so gracious of them to let us stay at their lovely home.

The Sunday service, gave us an opportunity to set the foundation for what we will be teaching on, “How to heal the sick with boldness” for the next three days .



Later that same Sunday, we drove to the city of “Achinsk”. We were introduced to a young head Pastor; Alec, and his lovely wife. This is a church of over 1000 people, and approximately 250 were there for this evening service. We had several demonstrations of showing how you can speak to the body (speak to the mountain Mark 11:23) without doubt, “you shall have whatsoever you speak”. We were there to encourage them in their faith, and that “if we can do it, you can do it, also”. During the demonstrations two different people came up, and we had to confront them about their unbelief. Once that was taken care of; the trainees laid hands on them and God healed them.

Later we began to lay hands on all those in the service. There were many physical needs. Many were former drug addicts, now serving the Lord with zeal. Several requested prayer for Hepatitis “C”, and some also with Aids. We believe that there were several creative miracles that night, including new livers and the restoration of   immune systems. We believe the entire congregation came forward for prayer and also for the impartation of the Holy Spirit. We laid hands on several for an impartation into the healing ministry, and  the Lord was launching them that night. The Lord was showing compassion to many. The service concluded at about 11 P.M. with everyone being ministered to. By faith, we believe many received. The young pastor and his wife, also were prayed for. He later asked us; “please come back”. Thank you Jesus for your healing power in this service!




We returned to pastor Yuri’s home. Monday; we went to an elderly lady’s home, who could not see with one eye, she had trouble with vessels in her heart, swelling in her hands and face, and had high blood pressure. Joyce prayed for the issues, and she said she felt lightness when hands were laid on her. She also said when Joyce hugged her she felt a lot of heat. We received a report the next day from her granddaughter, that she slept all night and hadn’t felt this good in a long time.

“76 year-old Michael receives Christ”

Next we went to visit an elderly lady, who was bedridden. Our understanding is that she had a stroke and fell down. Her husband of 52 years, Michael, was there to greet us. As we talked to Michael about us laying hands on his wife, he expressed a lot of doubt and unbelief, almost to the point of us asking him to leave the room so we could pray for his spouse. We asked him “ How desperate are you for your wife?” Your old ways aren’t working; let Jesus Christ heal her. At that point we confronted Michael about his own salvation. He said to me; “You brought it to me in such a blunt way, of course I want to pray” (Luke 11:5-8) “yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs”. Michael knelt down on the floor with me, and with tears in his eyes he asked Jesus into his heart. I told Michael what kind of a God we serve; “if he told Joyce and I to get on an airplane and come to Russia, and then come directly to your home for one purpose only , which was to speak to you about Him; we would do it because, you’re worth it”.  Michael was so happy that we came! Joyce laid hands on his wife and spoke healing into her body and a creative miracle; a new brain. By faith we believe the Lord touched her. Michael was overflowing with joy!

Monday nights service; We taught on how to lay hands and speak to the body. We then had trainees come forward to practice on those in need. Backs were healed, generational curses broken, and all pain was gone. One lady who had been afflicted by chronic sickness for five years, confessed to us that she had dealt with unforgiveness in her life. She had forgiven that person two years ago, but her body was still being plagued by sickness. We explained to her that if she had truly repented of her sin, the demons no longer had a legal hold over her body, and they had to go; and  the curse is broken. She received the knowledge that: “Jesus became a curse for her”. Through the hands of the trainee, the demons were cast out of her and she was set free of all sickness. All pain was instantly gone. She walked away a free lady!

Tamara and her husband came for prayer. The husband had been dealing with unforgiveness with their sons drinking and their many arguments. He prayed with us to forgive his son. With the legal hold broken off him, his neck issues got instant relief, and all nerve issues in the back were gone, as was all tension was gone. He then prayed to receive Jesus as his Lord and Savior. His wife, Tamara, was experiencing different pain in her body. After prayer and renouncing all generational curses, she was pain-free.

Tuesday, at pastor Yuri’s home: As we were going to the garage to leave; a Jewish man,  Alexander, who appeared to be in desperation, came up to us asking for prayer. He’s been trying to get to pastor Yuri’s church and something comes over him and stops him. We laid hands on him and broke all generational curses including witchcraft. He got his release and we told him he is free for what God wants to do in his life. Shortly after that, the pastor’s mother-in-law came running up to us out of breath and gasping for air. Joyce went over to her and said; “In the name of Jesus get off  her now”. She was not able to feel her hands nor her fingers. Joyce took authority over that and she was free to walk into the house. She said; “I had been praying for you both and asking God to bless you, when this physical attack came upon me”.

“Re-hab Center Bogotol” 

This is the re-hab center that six men came out of and became pastors. They now pastor all the churches, we have visited and ministered in, in Siberia. We visited with 13 men. Prayed for their needs, physical, spiritual, and spoke determination into their tomorrow. We prayed an impartation for each one and several got instant relief from pain. They were so grateful for us coming, and sharing a word just for them . “They are not disqualified”.

Tuesday’s service at pastor Yuri’s church; testimony time; Tonya a lady that got prayed for by a trainee . She shared how she walked 3 miles, slept really well, with no pain anywhere. She said she even sang a song. Elena shared how that for the first time in 15 years she didn’t have any pain. After that we had trainees come up and lay hands on the sick. The Lord healed several of osteochrondrosis; instant release of restrictions in the upper back.

“Lida’s Repentance”

Wednesday a.m. we visited Lida, a 56-year old lady in a nervous hospital. She had experienced a stroke, and had been worried about her mother who was not responding to her letters. Lida was holding several people in unforgiveness, (her mother, daughter, and her brother). After talking to her and allowing her to see the consequences of her sin. She said: “Yes, this sickness has come to me from this”. She prayed with us to forgive them, regardless of what they did. We then explained to her the need in her life for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and power to help her overcome these temptations. This is an example of how the believer needs to be speaking in tongues , which gives them power to resist unforgiveness and bitterness. She then received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and begin to speak in other tongues, instantly. Joyce laid hands on her and broke the curse of sickness off of her. She was hungry for more of God. After we left the room , the lady that brought us there got a phone call, that Lida had received a letter from her family. “God’s perfect timing”. Thank you Jesus!

We then went on another home visit; where we met a 25-year-old man Daniel, who was raised Russian Orthodox. He had friends who are Christians, but he and his expecting wife were not believers. We talked with him for over an hour. He had many questions. His wife had a 13-year-old son by another man. The mother had German measles during that pregnancy and the boy had brain damage. We talked with Daniel about the protection that God offers to his covenant people. The Holy Spirit was revealing things to him as we spoke. At the end of our meeting he was ready to receive Christ. He prayed to receive the new birth. His wife listened intently, but did not pray with us. We then prayed over the 13-year-old boy, for a new brain. Daniel said; “I now feel very responsible for words I speak”. The 13-year-old boy started to speak more immediate with his responds and without delay. Thank you Jesus!

Wednesday p.m. is our last service in “Bogotol”. Pastor Yuri gave us gifts and flowers in appreciation of our visit. The night included more testimonies: two ladies said they got their joy back in the last two days. Slava, a new Christian, said he saw his leg grow out when prayed for. Julia said: “when Joyce prayed I saw my hand growing, and I knew I was healed of leukemia”. A young Jewish worship leader came and shared that when Joyce laid hands on her for aids, she said; “I knew I was healed and I will get the test to prove it”. One man shared that he and his wife went home and tried praying for each other. He could not lift his arms and was used to enduring a lot of pain. His wife laid hands on him, and he said; “ all the pain was gone and I can lift my arms”. He then laid hands on his wife, and her pain was also gone. Another lady testified: “I got my healing yesterday, there was much heat in my neck and shoulders”. Her final word to us was: “I feel like I can fly now”. Thank you Jesus!

More testimonies; A young girl came up who was pigeon toed when she walked. Hands were laid on her and as she begin to walk, she was immediately healed. Several were healed of back problems, neck problems and osteochrondrosis. A lady came from Leninsk, which was one of the cities we ministered in. She drove three hours and brought her child which had contracted measles. We laid hands on the child and cursed that sickness. At the end of the service, a young boy of about 13 prayed to receive Jesus into his heart. Thank you Lord! We laid hands on over 70 people and finished around midnight. Thank you Jesus for such a glorious time in” Bogotol” and with our gracious hosts, pastor Yuri and his wife.  God was so faithful touching his people!



         Thursday we traveled to “Krasnoyarsk” and spent two nights at pastor Sergei’s 11th floor apartment. Pastor Sergei and his family were ministering in another city at the time. He is also the pastor of the church we would minister to in this city.

“Re-hab center for men and women”

We  were picked up at 6:00 p.m. and traveled some distance outside the city to a re-hab center. We ministered to men and women in an outdoor setting. We shared God’s word with them; and then had an opportunity to pray over each one individually. A young man by the name of Alexey,  had a broken leg and it was improperly fixed. He was very tentative when he walked. His leg started shaking when we laid hands on him. He put his faith into action, and started aggressively jumping and twisting his leg. Alexey said: “I couldn’t do that before”. Thank you Jesus!

Henya, who went through the program, wanted prayer for his bladder, liver, stomach issues, and pancreas. All were a result from the use of drugs. We by faith ,spoke into each one of these areas commanded healing and creative miracles.

Dasha; having hepatitis “C”, and could not hear in one ear,  felt weak and had trouble breathing. Joyce laid hands on her and her hearing was restored, and we believe all other issues the Lord healed.

Alexey; Who had Aids and hepatitis “C”, said: “I felt trembling in my body when you begin to speak to those issues.”

Andrei;  Who had liver issues, hepatitis “C”, and could not hear in the right ear. When we laid hands on his ear, and told it to function properly , he said: “My eardrum just cracked”. His hearing was restored!

Julia;  Had hepatitis “C”, breathing problems and that her ability to smell was limited. Joyce laid hands on her for these issues. Julia said: “ when  Joyce laid hands on her, she felt a lot of trembling when she spoke into those areas”.

We laid hands on over 25 people for various healings, and by faith we believe many were healed, and creative miracles took place. Time,  or a doctor’s report will be the witness of these healings. We also prayed for Pastor Alec, our driver, for blood pressure issues, and that he would lay all the stress and cares at the foot of the cross. It was a true blessing to be amongst these men and women, who are seeking the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday we went to visit a pastor, his wife and two children. Their 10-year-old son had Hemophalia; 8th factor, which influences the joints. We talked with them about generational curses, and then broke that line of curses off their family. We spoke new blood, a new spleen, and for the blood processing to function properly. By faith we spoke full mobility and that his joints would be restored. We spoke this all in the name of Jesus Christ.

We then went to visit Henja a 37-year old man, who was a patient in a addiction hospital. He had been in re-hab centers three different times, and had relapsed again. He was having heart problems, could not breathe well, and had liver issues. He hadn’t slept in two nights. We led him in a prayer to renounce his rebellion against God, and the fact that he did not like himself. He asked God to forgive him; he was sorry for his rebellion. By faith we spoke into his body, a new heart, new lungs and  new liver. He said he felt lightness during the prayer and he began to rest. Jesus restored him!

Friday evening: They had a church service at a hotel in Krasnoyarsk. After sharing God’s word, we had a trainee come forward and lay hands on Vera; who had scoliosis and neck pain. She was healed and all pain was gone. Another lady’s hearing was restored by a trainee laying hands on her. A young lady who had joint issues, and forms of arthritis, couldn’t walk properly. We asked her if there was unforgiveness in her life with anyone?  She said; “ yes ,there was someone that hurt me”. Note: When you confront them with the question; it seems to expose the sin. After dealing with forgiving that person, Joyce prayed over her. She began to jump up and down and said; “My agility is restored and I am pain free”. Once she saw the circumstances of her sin and repented, the Lord was that quick to heal her.

Another man got set free of a pinched nerve in his neck. Another man, former drug addict who had continuous pain from a previous broken leg, was healed; all pain was gone. A large Jewish man came up and we laid hands on him to receive the healing anointing, he said: “I want your anointing”. We laid hands on several more for new livers, Hiv, female issues including barrenness.

The church had rented the room for two hours, but they extended it for an additional hour, because of the intensity of what the Lord was doing. After this, we prayed an impartation on all who were there. These people were hungry for a touch from the Lord. Thank you Jesus for the glorious evening with your people!


“Back in Moscow” 

            After our flight back to Moscow from Siberia, we had a short layover in Moscow, before we caught a night train. We were asked to conduct a service for a group of believers who met in a Presbyterian church. Before the service a young lady, Veronica an interpreter, asked for prayer. She had problems with her teeth, and a lot of different issues in her body including possible cancer. She said: “she just doesn’t feel right.” This gave us an opportunity to ask her a question; “Is there someone that you have not forgiven”? She thought and finally said: “yes, my husband’s ex-wife.” We confronted her and asked if she was ready to forgive her? She said: “yes”, and with tears she forgave the woman and agreed to pray for her. She said: “I never realized this until it was  brought to my attention.” As soon as you realize your error and repent, in that split second, God is that quick to forgive you. Most times the healing comes that quick also. We laid hands on her and spoke to all issues going on in her body. We saw her a week later and she said: “My teeth issue was gone, my body felt good, and I have my peace back.” Unforgiveness and bitterness can keep you from your healing. Thank you Jesus!

In the service, we asked if anyone knew of Charles and Francis Hunter? Several raised their hands. We also noticed; that there were several Jewish people in the group. We explained about generational curses. We had trainees come forward, and we coached them, on how to speak to the body. The Holy Spirit was healing backs and old pains,that people had tolerated for years. We told them: “not to accept sickness and that Jesus wants you free”, faith says; “I have it now”. Your healing has nothing to do with time. God is not bound by time; He is the author of time. We laid hands on the entire group for healings and an impartation of the power of the Holy Spirit into their lives. Many also asked for, the anointing for a healing ministry. Thank you Jesus!



         After the Moscow service we took a 13 ½ hour night train ride to Pskov. Pastor Paul greeted us upon our arrival. Pastor Paul, a powerful man of God, was also delivered from drugs in a re-hab center. He and his lovely wife, Lena, were so glad we came back.

In the sunday service; we experienced an awesome praise and worship. We got to see several people whom we had met on our previous visit here, one year ago. We had a chance to share on the book of Daniel chapter 9. “ Daniel repented of the sins of the fathers and his sins”. This is a Scripture that can be applied towards repenting and renouncing generational curses. We asked for volunteers to come up and lay hands on the sick. One lady, a new Christian, came up asking a lot of questions. After dealing with some unbelief the Lord healed her back through the hands of a trainee. Another lady had a liver issue, a trainee was coached how to speak into that issue.

A lady came to us and shared how when we were here one year ago, we prayed into a heart issue, her son had. She said: “He was healed, no more heart problems”. Thank you Jesus! Another lady came forward with different issues. We believe the Lord gave Joyce a word of knowledge; that this lady was into witchcraft. The lady admitted it, and we had her repent and renounce all forms of witchcraft, which then allowed us to pray for her. After the service several came forward for prayer. There were many different issues,  emotional needs, spiritual needs, salvation for their families, and physical needs. The Lord was willingly (Luke 5:13) touching many of them.

We then returned to pastor Paul and Lena’s home, where Lena had prepared a lovely lunch for us. A young lady; another Lena, who is also a professional interpreter, joined us. Earlier that day we ministered to her mother about her backslidden husband, which is Lena’s father. We prayed with the mother and  now, we had an opportunity to pray and minister to the daughter. Young Lena also was in a place of decision about her relationship with a young man, who was an American. We had an opportunity to minister to her and just love her. The next day was a refreshing day, we got to spend time with Pastor Paul and his wife Lena, without any commitments. They were quick to ask: “When would you be coming back?” In Russia, the demands on a pastor are great. Later that day they took us to the train station, we bid farewell to them, and begin our train ride back to Moscow.


            We  arrived back into Moscow, got some rest and then headed by auto to Tambov, which is about  a 7 hour drive  south of Moscow. Alexey, our dear friend, was our driver, interpreter and he also organize much of the trip. We arrived in Tambov about 1:30 a.m., and stayed at Tatiana’s home, who was a member of the church. We had remembered the home because we had been there one year ago ministering to her daughter-in-law. Her son  had recently been sentenced to prison for drugs. She was able to drive to the prison from her home and visit him, and to provide him with some of his needs. We had the opportunity to comfort her in her family struggles that she was encountering. We shared with her some of our encounters, and how things at one point looked hopeless, but God was faithful to turn it around for good. Tatiana was greatly encouraged by what we had shared with her. She said: “Isn’t it just like God to send someone here, and stay at my house to bring me the comforting words that I needed”.

We were then greeted by Pastor Viscily and his wife, at their flat. Pastor Viscily was one of the 6 men who came out of the same re-hab center, at the same time. All 6 of them are now pastors. We would consider Pastor Viscily a sent one (apostle). He shared his vision with us and showed us a property that he was believing God for, for a church site. In Russia it is difficult for evangelicals to purchase land for churches.

We then visited a pastor’s wife and child in an adjoining flat. They had four sons and the fourth son was born with cerebral palsy. We asked if the three older sons were  healthy?  She said: “ yes”! We asked her if there had been any trauma in their lives when she was carrying the fourth  son? She said: “The father was unfaithful”. She had a lot of unforgiveness towards her husband and relatives, who questioned her about the birth of a fourth child. She also battled with rejection.  We believe the trauma and unforgiveness brought a curse upon her and the fruit of her womb. She said that she dealt with the forgiveness issues. We went through a lot of issues with her and we had her forgive all, and to ask God to forgive her for her sin. By faith we had her renounce all strongholds, and that they are now broken off of her and her family according to: Galatians 3:13 -14. “Jesus became a curse for us, cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”. We asked her to go through the same process with her husband when he arrives home, she said she will. We now felt that we could lay hands on the boy, break that curse, speak healing and restoration into his body. We also broke all generational curses. Thank you Lord for the restoration, that has begun, and that all legal consequences are broken off the child.

Thursday night service in Tambov: after sharing God’s word, we once again had trainees come and lay hands on the sick in the church. One lady had chest pains all day. A trainee laid hands on her and all pain was gone. A man came up who had sharp pain in his stomach. We showed a trainee how to grow out the arms and speak a rotation to the pelvis. All pain was gone. Thank you Jesus!

Joyce demonstrated how you could stand in the mirror and command  your hips to rotate. Afterwards we had them lay hands on each other, there was a lot of joy in the room. They all had fun growing out their legs and arms, and speaking to different areas of their body. They asked many questions. This was a good training session with much interacting. After the service we were taken to a Russian restaurant for dinner. We had a good time of fellowship, and then sadly a time to say; goodbye. Thank you Lord for what you are doing in Tambov!


“Last ministry in Moscow”

         We are back in Moscow, and the group that we ministered to in the Presbyterian Church wanted us to come back for another service. Before the service, Tanya, one of the leaders of the group asked for prayer. She had had long time problems in her body and neck, from her years of being a professional skier. Joyce laid hands on her for her back and neck, and also her thyroid. One of her arms grew out, and she had  quite a movement in her pelvis area. She said she had instant relief in her spine and the constant pain was gone. Thank you Jesus!

Once the service started we had several come and share their testimonies. Since our last ministry there; Zia, a lady member of the group prayed over her neighbor’s  swollen hands and feet. She shared that; “ The doctors said her neighbor’s  problems would only get worse.” After laying hands on her and speaking to the body, the swelling was gone. Thank you Jesus! Edward came and shared: “ My wife has headaches, so after last week’s service while my wife was reaching for pain meds, I laid hands on her head and cursed that headache and the pain was gone.”That’s being bold, thank you Jesus!

Nada shared: What happened to her daughter at the last service a week ago. She had been experiencing a lot of  problems with her teeth, to the point she couldn’t open her mouth. The doctor said: “ she needed surgery.”

This is the young lady we mentioned earlier, that Joyce and I ministered to about forgiveness of her husband’s ex-wife. After her repenting of that sin issue, we  laid hands on her and spoke healing into her body. This is such a big lesson for all of us about sin and unforgiveness and rebellion, it gives the enemy legal rights, (Christian and non-Christian) to plague your body with sickness. True repentance is the antidote!  Nada told us, that the next day her daughter’s pain was all gone, and she was speaking clear and normal. Thank you Jesus! One lady trainee, after the service practiced on another lady who had a broken hip bone. She prayed to have the pelvis rotate to its right adjustment and then prayed over her legs, one of her legs grew out over 2 inches. We watched it grow out!

After all the testimonies we talked to them about sin, and we had about  five minutes of silence, so they could all search their hearts  to forgive where it is needed. Sometimes a person has to be confronted about sin, and then they see it as an unclean thing, that God wants out of their life. Assumption, is a tool the enemy uses to get you to believe that there isn’t a sin issue.

We then talked to them about the power of the Holy Spirit, and speaking in tongues. We told them, don’t deprive yourself of this gift. I shared how Jesus was coming down the isle with a pretty gift wrapped up with your name on it. Don’t let him leave with the gift!  A man told us later that; “he saw Jesus coming with the gift.” 16 people got baptized in Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. Joyce and I went and laid hands on each one. During that time there were three different deliverances going on. One lady screaming at the top of her lungs. Another lady was on the floor slain in the spirit, and was making loud noises while on the floor. Another lady was bent over and making  noises of deliverance.

A lady came up with her 15-year-old daughter; the mother had stated that the girl was schizophrenic. There was a demonic presence on this young lady and was speaking through her. The spirit was mocking what was going on in the service. Due to the time restraint we were under, we couldn’t spend a lot of time with the girl. We told the mother; to start playing praise and worship music in her home. The mother said; “ the daughter won’t let me do that”. We told her that she is in charge, not the 15-year-old. At that point the mocking spirit spoke out of this girl and said; “I am the boss not her”. Once again we  reiterated to the mother that, she’s in charge. To add another element to this story, Joyce is allergic to cat hair. Every place we stayed we had to make sure there was not a cat on the premises which would cause harm to her eyes. While we’re talking to this young lady, the girl looked up into Joyce’s face and the demon smirked and said in a gruff tone: “Koshka” which means “Cat”. This spoke volumes to us about the demonic network and their fear-based communication tactics. “Greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world” 1 john4:4.

Joyce and I laid hands on all. The Lord was healing hearing issues, by faith new livers (creative miracles), many different types of back problems, and varicose veins. After that we prayed an impartation of the power of the Holy Spirit over each one of them. They took many notes, as this group was very excited to learn about healing and to be active in their own healing ministry. This was a true blessing to us, to see them receiving everything we shared with them. Thank You Jesus!


The next morning we were on our flight back to New York City.

Thank you Lord for trusting us to go on a journey such as this, and for all the souls that came into the kingdom.  Thank you Lord for the many who were set free and all those baptized in the Holy Spirit. All the praise and honor and glory goes to the Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Comment

  • Jeanette Baker October 11, 2013 at 12:03 pm

    What a story! Thank you God for all the healings and the freedom. We are thankful that both of you were willing to be used by God to do this work to give him the glory!


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