Peru – 2017 (4) Posted May 7, 2018 by Czerwinski


Peru 2017 continued…

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“When I pray for someone, why do some get healed and some don’t?”

     Pastor Israel, who was 33, whom we crossed paths with one year ago. We were ministering in a church, in his region, and he came forward and wanted to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. We laid hands on him, and by faith believed he received the gift of tongues. One year later we see him, and he says, “one month ago, I asked the Lord if I could speak in tongues, and I felt it down in my belly coming up, I started praying in tongues”. He said, “I now have a heart to pray for the sick, and what I’m seeing is, some get healed and some don’t, why is that?” I shared with him three main things:

1. Unbelief, (you want to be healed, but don’t really believe).

2. Their faith is such that they are only applying it when they are in trouble.

3. They definitely get their healing, because you laid hands on them by faith, (you did what you were to do) and a healing took place. The devil comes knocking at the door with pain, and puts doubts into them, and because of the lack of teaching they make confessions which are in conflict with the word of God. They opened the door and let the devil come back in their bodies. The word says: “The gifts and callings are irrevocable”. They were (past tense) healed, but believed a lie.

     We prayed for the young pastor, for encouragement and for him to continue to pray in the Spirit, through speaking in tongues. We gave him a book by Joan Hunter “Healing the Whole Man”. After we prayed for him, he said: “I saw flaming horses running somewhere” he didn’t know where! Pastor Israel has gifts of the spirit, flowing from  him. He said he saw me (Richard) in a vision as a kid, and God said to me: “Look up”.  Thank you Lord!


Killing  sacred cows

    Sunday night, I had a chance to preach in Pastor Vega’s church; “VIDA NUEVA CHURCH”. I shared on how we needed to become aware of the sacred cow, such as the traditions of men. I listed 10 traditions that we apply in our lives that are keeping the word of God from working in our lives. I felt this was an important message for believers today. Several came forward for salvation, and afterwards Joyce and I laid hands on several people for healing. Praise God!


Unforgiveness towards his father, has caused problems in his life

     Oscar, a 55-year-old man, fell on a construction site and caused multiple problems to his legs. His injury forced him into a wheelchair, but there was no paralysis. He was suffering from depression and anger. He said: anger would sometimes just take him over. After many questions about his father, and some of the degrading and abusive things that he encounter from his father, we led him in a prayer to forgive his father from his heart. After he did this, then we were able to lay hands on him, grow out his legs and commanded the spine to be straightened. Then we  bound up any spirit of depression, rage or anger. He said after prayer: “I have peace and joy, and feel the presence of God in my life, and I’m not feeling inferior anymore”. We believe he will come out of that wheelchair, very soon. Thank you Lord for revealing this to him!


Woman healed and set free from a religious trap

    Martha, who was 85, had been part of the Jehovah Witnesses for four years. Nine years ago she had a stroke, and is now bound to a wheelchair. We discussed how the Jehovah Witnesses declare (through the watchtower) that they have the final word on issues, not the word of God. We shared how we have been Christians for 30 years, and God’s word has never changed. Jesus is still the only way to the Father; there is no other way. Jesus was God, not just a good man and a prophet! This took her back to her teaching of Catholic beliefs, then she prayed from her heart; to receive Jesus into her life and her heart. Then we led her to pray and renounce all false prophets, and false teachings.

    Then we spoke a new brain into her, all damaged parts to be healed and restored, and function normally. We asked her to make a promise to us; that she would not return to the Jehovah Witnesses church. She said “I promise”. We shared that you don’t need to feel lonely anymore, Jesus will surround you with Christians that will love you. She said: “I feel good now”, and she felt excited about the peace she has now through salvation in Jesus Christ. Jesus sets the captives free!


“I want to have a child”

(Sarah anointing)

    Graciela, who is 45, wanted us to pray that she would have another child. She shared how, a few days prior, we prayed for her father, who had pain and bone damage, and had been in the hospital. She shared with us that her father was now totally healed.

     Graciela’s request is that; she now has a 23-year-old son, but wants to have another child. Her sister just had twins at the age of 53.

     Joyce laid hands on her; prayed over the pelvic areathat it would come into adjustment, spoke a creative miracle, new female organs, life into the womb, all organs in alignment to function, any remnant from contraceptives be broken off, and also a Sarah anointing on her body.

    We believe by faith that all mountains have been moved, and now she will have the baby she desires. Lord you are the God of multiplication!!


“I want to receive Jesus now”

    Esther, a 55-year-old lady, presently has  pain in the back of her skull,  also she gets sad very easily, along with depression. Esther, after sharing with her what Jesus can do in her life, prayed to receive Jesus into her heart. She took those words, very seriously, especially the fact that Jesus paid the price she could not pay. She thanked God in front of us for her salvation. Afterwards, Joyce laid hands on her, and with little delay; the fear was gone, and depression had left her, and the pain in the back of her head was gone. Esther, was a changed person, with the joy of the Lord all over her. “God did not give her the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind”


2 years of pain from a motorcycle accident

    Caesar and Rosa; Caesar was a passenger on a motorcycle, where an accident, took place over 2 years ago. He currently wore a knee brace, because of the pain, and stated that his knee moves.

    After laying hands on him, and growing out his legs, he began putting his faith into action by jumping and challenging his knee. After walking and jumping, there was no more bone movement, and all the pain was gone. Praise the Lord!


Lady plagued by pain and fear, set free

    Veronica, a 49-year-old lady, suffered from bone pain in her arms, hands, legs, high blood pressure, depression, much trauma and stress, and she expressed a fear of death . She has struggles with her son’s choices, and that has affected her greatly. After sharing how Jesus can remove these burdens and body problems from her, she came to the saving knowledge as to what Jesus did on the cross for her. She prayed to receive Jesus into your heart. After that Joyce laid hands on her; all the pain was gone from her bones, the depression and the fear was gone; all, in the name of Jesus. We came in agreement with her for a powerful move of God upon her, and for her son’s salvation. Jesus, only you can heal and restore!!


Once a thief and a liar, now trusts Jesus

      Norma and Enrique; Lived together for 31 years. Enrique shared about his adopted past, and how he has destroyed trust with a lot of people, including Norma. He was by his own admission, a thief and a liar. After digging into his past; we dealt with rejection, rebellion, lying, trying to fool people, judging people and unforgiveness issues with many people. After confronting him, he repented and asked God to forgive him.

     After that, we had them look at each other, and ask each other for forgiveness. There was a great release in the room, and joy was coming back into both of their lives. They had plans to get married, but are waiting for his divorce papers to be transacted. Thank you Jesus!


A broken heart, receives healing

    Maria, who was 62, had arthritis in both legs, and suffered from a lot of trauma from an accident that happened seven years ago, which also took the life of her husband. The people who caused the accident, promised her financial help, but that promise was not kept. As a widow, she felt she was being taken advantage of! We led her in a prayer to forgive all people, regardless of what they have done to her, including the driver of the vehicle that killed her husband. After this, Joyce laid hands on her and spoke healing into your body, and for the holes in her heart to be closed. She said: “I feel lighter and calm, I feel my heart was cleaned out”.


When the devil comes knocking, don’t let him back in

    Julia, a cab-driver lady who was healed of seven herniated discs one year ago, came asking for prayer. She said some of the problems in her back have re-occurred. Joyce laid hands on her and cursed any pain that the devil was trying to reclaim on her body. She was totally set free, all the pain was gone. She said: “do I have to have you around all the time, so I can keep my healing?”

   We told her that she is giving the enemy opportunities to come back in, through fear and giving the devil space he doesn’t deserve, you are expecting him to retaliate every time you do something for the Lord. We told her that she is playing a chess game with the devil, and always looking for his next move. All he does is knock at the door with a little pain, and you let him come in. As the Scripture says: “Submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil, and he will flee”. Lord your healing is a gift, and it is perfect, good, and comes from above!


A mother’s loving prayers

    We were taken to pray over a 43-year-old man. Adolfo, was diagnosed one year ago with a brain tumor. Adolfo, was a Christian. He could not talk because of the sedation, but could hear. Joyce and I laid hands on him and cursed the spirit of death that was on him, and also the spirit of cancer. We spoke life into his body and commanded the tumor to dry up and to disappear.

     We prayed over the mother, to be even more committed with her faith to see her son live. Then we began to thank the Lord for his healing. Thank you Jesus!


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