Healing Ministry Trip to Russia 2012 Posted July 31, 2012 by Dick & Joyce Czerwinski


Isaiah 6:8

Joyce and I having been to Russia several times in the past, this being trip number 12. We felt this was going to be a unique trip, and as we prayed about it we felt the Lord was going to take us to a new level.

We left Omaha on July 31 and arrived in Moscow 11 AM the next day. We were greeted by a young Russian man by the name of Alexey, whom we had met on a previous trip, he was the one the Lord used to plan the trip and make all the necessary arrangements with the different cities. Alexey would be our interpreter for the first city of TAMBOV.

After a trip to “Red Square” we were ready the next day to head for our first city, which was an 8 Hour Drive from Moscow. Alexey spoke excellent English so we had much to talk about since our last visit to Russia.

Our first service in Tambov was that evening, we spoke on the Holy Spirit and the need in our lives to rely and trust in the power of the Holy Spirit. About 10 came forward and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, several also received a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. Several African college students came forward to receive and we are continually amazed at what takes place at that time. They experienced joy, comfort, they experience those rivers of living waters flowing out of their bellies, they spoke  with power flowing from their lips.  Sometimes the joy just overtook them. What a blessing to just watch these hungry hearts.

There were several healings in the service, Joyce prayed over a lady for a new vascular system and after prayer she bent her knees way up to her chest without any pain. An older lady who had joint problems in her legs came up for prayer. After talking with her she gave her heart to Jesus, and got baptized in the Holy Spirit. We helped her deal with some forgiveness issues, and generational curses, she got healed and begin to walk around with total freedom from all pain in her legs. Another lady came to us with a sad downcast look on her face. As we talked to her, she told us how she had been raped as a young girl and now has a 11-year-old child. She had gone through chemo, and had hepatitis “c”. We asked her if she had forgiven the man that raped her? She said no. After telling her how she had given the enemy legal rights to make her sick because of unforgiveness, she was ready to forgive. We prayed over her for the illness and instantly she got a big smile on her face and joy that had not been there for some time had returned. We believe that this lady received her healing, and the burden of unforgiveness no longer had a hold over her body.

After the service we were asked to go to a home where a 69-year-old man lay bed ridden and was plagued with many problems in his body. After spending time and asking him many questions, he was ready to forgive his daughter, his ex-wife, and his son. He received Jesus as Lord and Savior and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We spoke new kidneys, and against other issues in his body including diabetes and we had him renounce all generational curses. It is such a blessing to see a transformation take place, their face brightens up their eyes come to life, and you can see the relief on them. Once again we believe the Lord touched this man, and he was so grateful for us coming to visit him, lay hands on him and speak to his body. Thank you Jesus!

As we were leaving the house, the couple that had taken us there wanted to talk with us. The lady proceeded to tell us how she had been living in fear. I asked her if she had experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in her life? She said “well no”. We prayed with her and she received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, instantly. She began to speak in tongues, and once again you can see the freedom come upon her face. She got happy, and the fear was gone. We saw her the next day and the first thing she did when she saw us was a big thumbs up.

Saturday came and we were off to some home visits. First stop was to a home of a lady of the church whose daughter was a drug addict she had a one and one half year old son. After talking with and encouraging her about the freedom the Lord wants her to have, she committed her life to Jesus . She received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues. Instantly she broke into tears and the freedom and joy broke out upon her countenance. We had her repent of her rebellion to God and the addiction was broken.

The second home visit was to a lady who had been in a car accident. Her legs were severely swelled, as were her ankles and feet, and was wheelchair-bound. She prayed the prayer of salvation and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. We also had her renounce any curse that came from witchcraft in her background. Joyce spoke to her body and commanded restoration to those issues going on in her from that accident. We believe the Lord touched her.

The third home we went to was an elderly couple in their 80s. The lady had much pain in her legs and could hardly walk. After Joyce prayed over her the pain was gone and her agility restored, she was so happy. She got up out of the chair and walked around rejoicing because the pain was gone. Her husband who had a recent heart attack was greatly restricted and could only walk short distances before he would get out of breath. We told him how God had a warehouse full of new parts for our bodies. He said “I never heard of that”. We spoke a new heart a creative miracle, and he received his new heart and lungs. After praying for him, he put on his hat and headed out to visit his neighbors without any limitations. We saw God move on behalf of their needs, and all they needed was a revelation of how he wants to bless them. Thank you Jesus!

The next stop was to a hospital, where we were not allowed to pray inside so they brought the lady outside and we ministered to her on a park bench. The lady gave her heart to Jesus, and Joyce prayed for her enlarged bladder to be restored to normal size. By faith we believe she was healed, and we prayed Holy Ghost boldness over her.

In our final home visit, we met an older couple in their 80s. The man had heart issues, diabetes and hearing problems. After laying hands on him his hearing was restored, and  feelings in his fingers were being restored. He bent down and felt no pain in his body and we also spoke a new pancreas into him. We minister to his wife who had heart issues, veins and circulation issues. By faith we spoke to those areas, and we believe that she received her healing. They both prayed together and asked Jesus to become their Lord and Savior. What a precious moment that was to see them hold hands and pray together! Thank you Jesus!

Saturday evening service came, we had a training session. We had volunteers come up and lay hands on people with back problems, headaches, neck problems. All were healed through the hands of the trainees, and they were excited. After that we shared some of our experiences and had a question and answer session. The Holy Spirit was stirring many good questions, and gave us the answers that would bring them truth. The word of God in Hosea 4:6 says; “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge”. We felt the Lord was graciously using some of our experiences to bring his people into more knowledge. After that we prayed over the entire church for impartation and various healings. We believe the Lord was healing headaches, backs, skin problems, babies being healed of sickness and female problems. We prayed over marriages and children that had gone astray.

In the Sunday service we gave a message on “HOW GOD USED ALL TYPES OF PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE TO DO HIS WILL”. After that we had more of the body participate by laying hands on each another for healings. There were chronic back issues healed, short legs grew out, stomach issues, emotional healings. There was encouragement going out to the body to pray over people. One lady came up and shared how her six year old daughter wanted to speak in tongues like her mother. Her mother prayed with her to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and she began to speak in tongues,( we spoke in an earlier session how the children need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit at an early age before someone talks them out of it). After the service we had to be out of the church auditorium to make way for another church using the same facility, so we went out into the hall and continued to pray for people. A lady came up in much sorrow and  told us how she lost her oldest son to suicide. She had been living in a lot of guilt, trauma and fear. We spent some time with her and had her renounce many things from her background, including witchcraft.  Joyce prayed over her heart issues to be healed, after Joyce hugged her you could see she got her deliverance. A smile broke out on  her face and her eyes became bright and radiant again. It was very visible to us to see the Lord deliver her from her grief.

In our route back to Moscow by auto, this was an 8 Hour drive. Alexey our guide and interpreter was stopped three times by the police. The first time was a routine check; the second time he was pulled over for passing in a no passing area, and the officer had him come back to his car. Joyce and I prayed for supernatural favor. Alexey came back and told us that the officer asked him what he was doing in Tambov . Alexey told him we ministered in a church, the officer asked ” are you a pastor”? ” No but we minister to the people”. The officer said “well go I won’t give you a ticket because I don’t want to sin”. Alexey got pulled over a third time and the officer said the video shows ” you passed in a no passing zone”. He showed Alexey the video, and Alexey said ” let me see that video again”. Once again we were in the car praying for Alexey, the officer was reluctant to show him the video again but Alexey was persistent , the officer finally said “okay”. As they looked at the video closer the officer said “I guess you didn’t pass in the wrong area. That was a different vehicle”. He said “go”. Thank you Jesus!

Our next city was Pskov a 13 1/2 hour (overnight) train ride. After ministry in our first city, Tambov, the pastor asked  if we would go also to the city of  Smolinsk? On our journey back from Pskov, we felt the Holy Spirit wanted us to go there, also.

As we’re standing at the train station with Alexey and pastor Vasily, waiting to embark. Pastor Vasily received a phone call from his daughter who was at the doctor’s office with her six month old son. Her son was born with a hole in his heart. Before we left Tambov we laid hands on the child and spoke to that whole in his heart and commanded it to heal and close. The daughter told pastor Vasily that the doctor is all confused because he could not find the hole and he wants to do more tests. The hole in his heart was in a place where the heart could not heal itself, and surgery was the next step which would’ve been very expensive. “What a mighty God we serve”.

In our route to Pskov, via train, we got to meet some people in the next compartment who were going to a wedding in the same city. We got to share with them about what we would be doing in Pskov. We had an opportunity to pray over a young lady for her feet and legs, that so she could wear shoes without bothering her feet and back. We believe the Lord touched her.

Pastor Paul picked this us up at 5 AM upon arrival into Pskov, a city that is 1100 years old; one of the oldest in Russia. He took us to an apartment where we would stay. We got some rest and were ready to meet his wife Lena and their daughter, and a lady and her daughter who were staying with them; because the lady is recovering from surgery, and was having a lot of pain upon urinating. Joyce laid hands on her for these issues and she later told us that the issues were better she said she was healed.

Our first place of ministry was in a rehab center in the country. Many miles of rough roads then, several miles through fields with dirt paths and holes which we had to avoid from getting stuck.

We talked on forgiveness and ministered the power of the Holy Spirit to about 30 people, some rehab residents and some from pastor Paul’s church. Several dealt with forgiveness, and seven people were baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. As we prayed for healings, many came forward. One young man came up and quietly said he had AIDS and hepatitis “c”. He was very open and had a passion for a touch from God, Joyce and I both felt very strong that the Lord did a supernatural thing for him. A tall man came up with constant back problems. At first he put up some resistance, but after we talked to him, he started to just receive. He later told me outside that he got his healing, his back pain was gone and the pain in his legs was gone. Two brothers came up who were twins. One had epilepsy, and his brother brought him up to get prayer. We spoke a new brain and  new parts into this young man. Another girl asked Joyce for prayer for female issues. Another man had acid levels in his stomach restored to normal levels. A young man who had liver problems from drug use, which the Lord was restoring. Two pregnant ladies came forward and Joyce prayed over them for no complications. One was dealing with low blood pressure. What a powerful presence of the Holy Spirit, healing and filling several people. There was such a sweet presence of the Lord.

The next day we went on two home visits. One lady bedridden from a stroke, where we spent time building her faith up in her so that she could receive. We had her renounce all generational curses. She did receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, and we prayed restoration over her body; a new brain, and that her motor skills would be restored. Joyce spent time working with her hand which was crimped shut, and slowly her movement was being restored to her hand and  her fingers. Thank you Jesus!

The second home was of an 86 year old lady living alone, who had poor eyesight and memory issues, and inability to sleep. She knew Jesus as her Lord and Savior, so we prayed a new brain, prayed over all of her eye issues, and she received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The next morning the pastor’s wife, Lena, told us she got a call from this lady saying; she got sleep last night. She got up and felt good and was able to function fine her head was clear. Thank you Jesus!

At the Saturday evening service, we felt led to teach on the gifts of the spirit. First off we asked for testimonies: one lady came up who had been at the rehab center the night before, where we talked on forgiveness. She had shared when she went home that night and called her sister who she hadn’t talked to for a long time. She shared with us how she told her I forgive you, and how the relationship had been restored. Her sister was so grateful for that phone call. The Worship leader shared how he had been prayed over at the rehab center for a fever and headaches. He said he woke up Saturday totally healed and took part in the Saturday night worship service. After teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the entire church came forward.  Joyce and I laid hands on each and prayed an impartation of gifts from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was moving in powerful ways and many got blessed. The gift of faith to believe God for big things was being released. Once again we could see Hosea 4:6 and how God was bringing his people more knowledge to believe.

In the Sunday morning service we were asked to pray for the children of the church. We prayed destiny, life, purpose and the anointing and the power the Holy Spirit. That God would raise up prophets, apostles, teachers, workers of miracles and out of this group that there would be children of faith to speak in tongues at an early age. They would be warriors for God’s kingdom.

One young man came forward and shared how after our visit to the rehab center, he went home that night, opened his Bible seeking more of God. He said God spoke to him and said “your motives have been wrong”, and from his heart he said he made the necessary corrections.

We spoke on Luke 5:17-26, the men bringing their friend on a stretcher and lowering him through the roof into the presence of Jesus. We wanted them to know and believe, that you shall do mighty things for God by faith, through the laying on of hands on the sick, and many other signs, if you believe. After this Joyce came up and shared the testimony about our oldest son, Richard, who God had set free from mental illness and how the Lord used  that in our lives to build our faith. Many had tears in their eyes, including the pastor. We believe the Lord used Joyce and the testimony to inspire the believers to go to another level of believing God for health, their family, and for God’s prosperity in their lives. One young lady, at the pastor’s invitation, came forward for salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

After the service we had several people come forward for prayer. Some with several items of need. The Lord was healing backs, legs, hips, knees, and many walked away pain-free. Emotional healings were happening, forgiveness issues, renouncing witchcraft, family issues, some needed guidance, and the Lord was touching many. The mother whose daughter just got saved. Came forward to renounce witchcraft, and then got baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Many grandmas needed prayer for their children and grandchildren. Many people inflicted by word curses put on them by doctors saying, “there is no hope for you” all based upon fear, then we had them renounce those words, and with that you could see freedom in their eyes. One young man came up with leg issues, liver issues, a back issue and flat feet. We believe the Lord touched him throughout his body he started to feel tingling in his feet. We spent time with them talking about generational curses and how they need to renounce things they actually inherited from generations past. The Lord was loving and touching his people especially with a greater awareness.

Pastor Paul, a God-fearing man, said after the ministry time: “you are teaching us how to minister to our people in a deeper way”. One lady had a grandchild with down syndrome, we prayed for her for forgiveness and then we instructed her how to pray. The three of us anointed with oil a paper tissue and she was going to send that paper tissue to the mother of that child. By faith the anointing on the tissue will transform the child.

Later after the service we were invited to dinner at one of the church member’s house. They were so appreciative of us coming a long way to help them in their struggle’s, that they took Joyce off into another room and gave her a pedicure and a manicure.  Joyce came back later and said wow what a treat “I have never had a pedicure or a manicure” .What a blessing. Many women gave Joyce loving gifts of jewelry and perfume. We were both blessed with their measures of kindness and their gratitude that touched our hearts!

Monday, the next day we’re off to our final city of Smolinsk, a 6 Hour drive, where we would do a one night service which would last about six hours (totally the grace of God) and what a night of power it was!

We taught on the power of the Holy Spirit, and all the benefits of speaking in tongues, to a group of about 60 people. Some of them traveling great distances. Seven people came forward to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues. Some broke out into joy as they begin in their prayer language, three of them shared how joy came up from down in their belly (those rivers of living waters). We then laid hands on everyone for an impartation of gifts from the Holy Spirit. Joyce called out  a word of knowledge that there were some with migraine headaches and four women came forward, Joyce laid hands on each and all headaches were gone. Lungs were prayed for, backs, spines, scoliosis, heart, cancer, tumors, high blood pressure issues, a two-month-old baby with psoriasis, and several women with female problems. We believe the Lord was touching all the needs of his people. Some of the healing manifestations appeared instantly and some would have to be verified by a doctor. We prayed for liver issues, kidney stones, creative miracles of new kidneys. Several in the group repented and renounced generational curses, and  unforgiveness issues. We believe the Lord performed many physical healings, emotional healings, people being set free of bad teaching and bad information. As the word says: “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. One young lady about 30 years old came to us with a sad look on her face. We asked  why the sadness? She said she wanted a husband. We prayed with her that within 6 months  a Christian man will cross her path, who will become her husband. A young man came up and wanted prayer to quit smoking. We  had him renounce the spirit of addiction and all generational curses. Then we asked him to put his faith into action. We asked him if he had any cigarettes on him, and he said yes, so he willingly  took the pack of cigarettes and crushed them under his feet. We believe that God honors that kind of faith.We also prayed over Pastor Alexie, who was pastor of the church. He said he was experiencing a lot of strain around his heart, (we had him lay all the stress, worry, and concerns at the foot of the cross).  This was one of the more powerful ministry times on the trip.

We felt very blessed to be part of what God was doing in Russia and to be messengers to bring truth, and knowledge, which is God’s word. Knowledge came by the discovery of truth, such as: knowing that God had new body parts, confessing and renouncing generational curses, dealing with unforgiveness, and speaking health into the body  (Jesus did not pray, he spoke directly to the issue, ” be healed”), watching for signs especially the eyes, and the power of the Holy Spirit being released when they begin to speak in tongues.

We were blessed to work with three churches who are hungry for more of the Holy Spirit. The pastors and the interpreters were very supportive and were always willing to do whatever they could for their flocks to be blessed. We thank the Lord for what he has done, we felt blessed to be a part of what he arranged, and all the healings, salvation’s, deliverances, the baptisms in the Holy Spirit, and the new levels of freedom to his people.

Hosea 4:6 “My people perish for lack of knowledge” has taken on a greater meaning to us. Pastor Vasily has asked us to come back to Russia, and to also minister in several churches in Siberia. We are praying about that opportunity.

Thank you for the part you played in this trip. You were a big part of what the Lord was doing, and the victory he was bringing into the lives of the Russian people.

Joyce and I want to personally thank you for your prayers and support. We prayed many blessings to you and your family.



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