Hello to all; Joyce and I want to share what the Lord did in Omaha recently. I have had the privilege to minister at the Douglas County correctional Center, as a mentor. Recently an inmate who I see weekly, sharing with him some of the healings that Joyce and I experienced, both here and on our missions trips overseas. He became very intrigued, of what the Lord was doing. He asked; if he arranged it, would we be willing to pray for his brother-in-law who has a severe back problem. I told him to arrange it and we will be there.
We got to meet Noah and his wife Amber, and Ambers lovely mother, Robbie. Noah had been a star athlete in high school, but encountered a severe back injury while playing basketball. His back problem continued, even after surgery. He was offered a full ride scholarship at Kansas State University as a running back. His playing time was limited because of the constant pain in his back. When we met him he still had this severe condition, which had been with him for over 14 years.
Noah could not lay in bed for any length of time. He said he became a night person and he dreaded going to bed. He could not hold a job consistently because of his situation; he could not play with his children, because of the back pain.
After visiting with him and going over some forgiveness issues, we then laid hands on him and spoke to those back issues and also spoke a creative miracle. We had Noah put his faith into action. He began to do things that would have normally caused pain. He took off and started running around the house and was going up and down the basement steps. There was a few moments of silence, and then we heard Noah began to weep and cry out saying; “Thank you Jesus, I am healed all the pain is gone”. Noah came back into the room a new man; “The pain of 14 years was gone”.
Shortly after that Noah and his wife Amber, were both gloriously baptized in the power of the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues. Noah got a double portion from the Lord.
Noah and Amber lived in Kansas City and were due to return home. They did have a chance to share their healing testimony in their local church. I had received a report recently, Noah went and applied for a temporary job, but after interviewing him they offered him a full-time job as an interviewer, which he turned down. He ended up with a high-paying job with an insurance company in Kansas City, working full-time and loving his new position.
Noah now goes to bed at normal hours and sleeps all night. He can play with his children; and they climb all over his back. Noah has a new life!
We serve a God that heals 100%, why do we settle for less? Thank you Jesus! We believe this testimony is important to share, in order for our Lord Jesus Christ to be glorified. Noah is a new man and his family is rejoicing over what the Lord has done.
Blessings to you all! In Christ, Dick and Joyce Czerwinski…….